"What the Instant Contains"

The instant is simultaneous where the past latches on to the present and the moment becomes a monument of

memory. Here are no miracles, no myths to re-create the aftermath.Just as the painted rose on the wall wears on

different shades of colors as the sun moves on into the sunset hour even as the pendulum swings to the other end,and

reruns to the original from where it started to the samenesss of the instant. The action points out two directions

both departure and return in an instant.

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Rtd Professor of English. Had published six books of poetry both in India and in the US. He had been a director of research, and has published umpteen research papers. Written six books of poetry which were published both in India and in the US. Recipient of a medal and a silver moment from the US. He had been a research director, and as many as researchers received doctoral degrees who worked with him. anthologies of poetry, both in India and the US. Had been a research director, and published umpteen research papers. His accomplishments had brought him a medal and a silver cup from the US. hed six collections of poetry,He had been the Research Director.Had published umpteen books and research papers. articles..